[Pages 101–120]
been sent down from the heaven of His Cause than
all the books of the world bowed down before them?
Meditate, that thou mayest be made aware of thine
act, O heedless outcast! Erelong will the breaths
of chastisement seize thee, as they seized others before
thee. Wait, O thou who hast joined partners with
God, the Lord of the visible and the invisible. This
is the day which God hath announced through the
tongue of His Apostle. Reflect, that thou mayest
apprehend what the All-Merciful hath sent down in
the Qur’án and in this inscribed Tablet. This is
the day whereon He Who is the Dayspring of Revelation
hath come with clear tokens which none can
number. This is the day whereon every man endued
with perception hath discovered the fragrance of the
breeze of the All-Merciful in the world of creation,
and every man of insight hath hastened unto the living
waters of the mercy of his Lord, the King of Kings.
O heedless one! The tale of the Sacrifice (Ishmael)
hath been retold, and he who was to be offered up
hath directed his steps towards the place of sacrifice,
and returned not, by reason of that which thy
hand hath wrought, O perverse hater! Didst thou
imagine that martyrdom could abase this Cause?
Nay, by Him Whom God hath made to be the Repository
of His Revelation, if thou be of them that comprehend.
Woe betide thee, O thou who hast joined
partners with God, and woe betide them that have
taken thee as their leader, without a clear token or
a perspicuous Book. How numerous the oppressors
before thee who have arisen to quench the light of
God, and how many the impious who murdered and
pillaged until the hearts and souls of men groaned
by reason of their cruelty! The sun of justice hath
been obscured, inasmuch as the embodiment of tyranny
hath been stablished upon the throne of hatred,
and yet the people understand not. O foolish one!
Thou hast slain the children of the Apostle and
pillaged their possessions. Say: Was it, in thine estimation,
their possessions or themselves that denied
God? Judge fairly, O ignorant one that hath been
shut out as by a veil from God. Thou hast clung
to tyranny, and cast away justice; whereupon all
created things have lamented, and still thou art
among the wayward. Thou hast put to death the
aged, and plundered the young. Thinkest thou that
thou wilt consume that which thine iniquity hath
amassed? Nay, by Myself! Thus informeth thee He
Who is cognizant of all. By God! The things thou
possessest shall profit thee not, nor what thou hast
laid up through thy cruelty. Unto this beareth witness
thy Lord, the All-Knowing. Thou hast arisen
to put out the light of this Cause; erelong will thine
own fire be quenched, at His behest. He, verily, is
the Lord of strength and of might. The changes and
chances of the world, and the powers of the nations,
cannot frustrate Him. He doeth what He pleaseth,
and ordaineth what He willeth through the power
of His sovereignty. Consider the she-camel. Though
but a beast, yet hath the All-Merciful exalted her
to so high a station that the tongues of the earth made
mention of her and celebrated her praise. He, verily,
overshadoweth all that is in the heavens and on earth.
No God is there but Him, the Almighty, the Great.
Thus have We adorned the heaven of Our Tablet
with the suns of Our words. Blessed the man that
hath attained thereunto, and been illumined with
their light, and woe betide such as have turned aside,
and denied Him, and strayed far from Him. Praised
be God, the Lord of the worlds!”
O Shaykh! We have enabled thee to hear the melodies
of the Nightingale of Paradise, and unveiled to
thine eyes the signs which God, by His all-compelling
behest, hath sent down in the Most Great Prison, that
thine eye might be cheered, and thy soul be well-assured.
He, verily, is the All-Bounteous, the Generous.
Arise thou through the power of His testimony
to serve the Cause of God, thy Lord, the God
of Mercy. If thy faith be fearful, seize thou My
Tablet, and preserve it in the bosom of trust. And
when thou enterest into the place of resurrection,
and God asketh thee by what proof thou hast believed
in this Revelation, draw forth the Tablet and
say: “By this Book, the holy, the mighty, the incomparable.”
Thereupon all will lift up their hands
towards thee, and will seize the Tablet, and will press
it to their eyes, and will inhale therefrom the fragrance
of the utterance of God, the Lord of the
worlds. Were God to torment thee for having believed
in His signs in this Revelation, for what reason
could He then torment such as have disbelieved in
Muḥammad, the Apostle of God, and before Him in
Jesus, the Son of Mary, and before Him in the One
Who conversed with God (Moses), and before Him
in the One Who is the Friend of God (Abraham),
and as far back as the One Who was the First Manifestation,
Who was created by the will of thy Lord,
the Potent, the All-Encompassing. Thus have We
sent down Our verses unto one before thee, and
recalled them unto thee, in this day, that thou mayest
understand, and be of them who are well assured.
O thou who assumest the voice of knowledge! This
Cause is too evident to be obscured, and too conspicuous
to be concealed. It shineth as the sun in its
meridian glory. None can deny it unless he be a
hater and a doubter.
At this moment it behooveth us to turn unto the
Desired One, and cleave unto these most sublime
words: “O God, my God! Thou hast lighted the
lamp of Thy Cause with the oil of wisdom; protect it
from contrary winds. The lamp is Thine, and the
glass is Thine, and all things in the heavens and on
earth are in the grasp of Thy power. Bestow justice
upon the rulers, and fairness upon the divines. Thou
art the All-Powerful, Who, through the motion of
Thy Pen, hast aided Thine irresistible Cause, and
guided aright Thy loved ones. Thou art the Possessor
of power, and the King of might. No God is there
but Thee, the Strong, the Unconstrained.” Say thou
also: “O God, my God! I yield Thee thanks inasmuch
as Thou hast made me to drink of Thy Sealed Wine
from the hand of the bounty of Thy Name, the Self-Subsisting.
I entreat Thee by the splendors of the
Dayspring of Thy Revelation, and by the potency
of Thy Most Sublime Word, and by the might of
Thy Most Exalted Pen, through Whose movement
the realities of all created things have been enraptured,
to aid His Majesty the Sháh to render Thy
Cause victorious, and to turn towards the horizon of
Thy Revelation, and to set his face in the direction
of the lights of Thy countenance. Assist him, O my
Lord, to draw nigh unto Thee. Help him, then, with
the hosts of the heavens and of earth. I implore
Thee, O Thou Who art the Lord of all Names and
the Maker of the heavens, by the light of Thy Cause,
and by the fire of the Lote-Tree of Thy loving-kindness,
to help His Majesty to reveal Thy Cause amidst
Thy creatures. Open, then, before his face the doors
of Thy grace, and Thy mercy, and Thy bounty.
Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee by Thy
word: ‘Be, and it is.’”
O Shaykh! We had seized the reins of authority
by the power of God and His Divine might, as He
alone can seize, Who is the Mighty, the Strong. None
had the power to stir up mischief or sedition. Now,
however, as they have failed to appreciate this loving-kindness
and these bounties, they have been, and will
be, afflicted with the retribution which their acts
must entail. The State officials, considering the secret
progress of the Extended Cord have, from every
direction, incited and aided Mine adversaries. In the
Great City (Constantinople) they have roused a considerable
number of people to oppose this Wronged
One. Things have come to such a pass that the
officials in that city have acted in a manner which
hath brought shame to both the government and
the people. A distinguished siyyid, whose well-known
integrity, acceptable conduct, and commercial reputation,
were recognized by the majority of fair-minded
men, and who was regarded by all as a highly
honored merchant, once visited Beirut. In view of
his friendship for this Wronged One they telegraphed
the Persian Dragoman informing him that this siyyid,
assisted by his servant, had stolen a sum of money
and other things and gone to ‘Akká. Their design in
this matter was to dishonor this Wronged One. And
yet, far be it from the people of this country to allow
themselves to be deflected, by these unseemly tales,
from the straight path of uprightness and truth.
Briefly, they have assaulted Me from every side, and
are reinforcing Mine adversaries. This Wronged One,
however, beseecheth the one true God to graciously
assist every one in that which beseemeth these days.
Day and night I fix My gaze on these perspicuous
words, and recite: “O God, my God! I beseech Thee
by the sun of Thy grace, and the sea of Thy knowledge,
and the heaven of Thy justice, to aid them that
have denied Thee to confess, and such as have turned
aside from Thee to return, and those who have calumniated
Thee to be just and fair-minded. Assist them,
O my Lord, to return unto Thee, and to repent before
the door of Thy grace. Powerful art Thou to do what
Thou willest, and in Thy grasp are the reins of all
that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Praise
be unto God, the Lord of the worlds.”
The time is at hand when whatsoever lieth hid in
the souls and hearts of men will be disclosed. This
Day is the Day whereof Luqmán spoke unto his son,
the Day which the Lord of Glory announced and with
which He acquainted Him Who was His Friend
(Muḥammad) through these, His words—exalted be
He:—“O my son! Verily, God will bring everything
to light, though it were but the weight of a
grain of mustard-seed, and hidden in a rock or in
the heavens or in the earth; for God is Subtile, informed
of all.” This Day the deceitful of eye, and all
that men’s breasts conceal, are made known and laid
bare before the throne of His Revelation. Nothing
whatsoever can escape His knowledge. He heareth
and seeth, and He, in truth, is the All-Hearing, the
All-Seeing. How very strange that they discern not
between the trustworthy and the treacherous!
Would that His Majesty the Sháh of Persia—may
God perpetuate his sovereignty—would inquire from
the Consuls of the honored Persian Government who
have been in this country, that he might become
acquainted with the activities and behavior of this
Wronged One. Briefly, they have incited a great
many such as Akhtar and others, and are busying
themselves in spreading calumnies. It is clear and
evident that they will surround with their swords
of hatred and their shafts of enmity the one whom
they know to be an outcast among men and to have
been banished from one country to another. This
is not the first time that such iniquity hath been
perpetrated, nor the first goblet that hath been dashed
to the ground, nor the first veil that hath been rent
in twain in the path of God, the Lord of the worlds.
This Wronged One, however, remained calm and
silent in the Most Great Prison, busying Himself with
His own affairs, and completely detached from all
else but God. Iniquity waxed so grievous that the
pens of the world are powerless to record it.
In this connection it is necessary to mention the
following occurrence, that haply men may take fast
hold of the cord of justice and truthfulness. Ḥájí
Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alí—upon him be the glory of
God, the Ever-Abiding—was a merchant of high
repute, well-known unto most of the inhabitants of
the Great City (Constantinople). Not long ago,
when the Persian Embassy in Constantinople was
secretly engaged in stirring up mischief, it was noticed
that this believing and sincere soul was greatly distressed.
Finally, one night he threw himself into the
sea, but was rescued by some passers-by who chanced
to come upon him at that moment. His act was
widely commented upon and given varied interpretations
by different people. Following this, one night
he repaired to a mosque, and, as reported by the
guardian of that place, kept vigil the whole night,
and was occupied until the morning in offering,
ardently and with tearful eyes, his prayers and supplications.
Upon hearing him suddenly cease his
devotions, the guardian went to him, and found that
he had already surrendered his soul. An empty bottle
was found by his side, indicating that he had poisoned
himself. Briefly, the guardian, while greatly astonished,
broke the news to the people. It was found out
that he had left two testaments. In the first he recognized
and confessed the unity of God, that His
Exalted Being had neither peer nor equal, and that His
Essence was exalted above all praise, all glorification
and description. He also testified to the Revelation
of the Prophets and the holy ones, and recognized
what had been written down in the Books of God,
the Lord of all men. On another page, in which
he had set down a prayer, he wrote these words in
conclusion: “This servant and the loved ones of God
are perplexed. On the one hand the Pen of the Most
High hath forbidden all men to engage in sedition,
contention or conflict, and on the other that same
Pen hath sent down these most sublime words:
‘Should anyone, in the presence of the Manifestation,
discover an evil intention on the part of any soul,
he must not oppose him, but must leave him to God.’
Considering that on the one hand this binding command
is clear and firmly established, and that on the
other calumnies, beyond human strength to bear or
endure, have been uttered, this servant hath chosen
to commit this most grievous sin. I turn suppliantly
unto the ocean of God’s bounty and the heaven of
Divine mercy, and hope that He will blot out with
the pen of His grace and bounteousness the misdeeds
of this servant. Though my transgressions be manifold,
and unnumbered my evildoings, yet do I cleave
tenaciously to the cord of His bounty, and cling unto
the hem of His generosity. God is witness, and they
that are nigh unto His Threshold know full well,
that this servant could not bear to hear the tales
related by the perfidious. I, therefore, have committed
this act. If He chastise me, He verily is to
be praised for what He doeth; and if He forgive me,
His behest shall be obeyed.”
Ponder, now, O Shaykh, the influence of the word
of God, that haply thou mayest turn from the left
hand of idle fancy unto the right hand of certitude.
This Wronged One hath never acted hypocritically
towards any one, in the Cause of God, and hath
loudly proclaimed the Word of God before the face
of His creatures. Let him who wisheth turn thereunto,
and let him who wisheth turn aside. If these
things, however, that are so clear, so manifest and
indubitable, be denied, what else can be deemed
acceptable and worthy of credence in the estimation
of men of insight? We beseech God—blessed and
glorified be He—to forgive the aforementioned person
(Ḥájí Shaykh Muḥammad-‘Alí), and change his
evil deeds into good ones. He, verily, is the All-Powerful,
the Almighty, the All-Bounteous.
Such things have appeared in this Revelation that
there is no recourse for either the exponents of
science and knowledge or the manifestations of justice
and equity other than to recognize them. It is
incumbent upon thee, in this day, to arise with celestial
power and dissipate, with the aid of knowledge,
the doubts of the peoples of the world, so that all
men may be sanctified, and direct their steps towards
the Most Great Ocean and cleave fast unto that which
God hath purposed.
Every one who hath turned aside from Me hath
clung to his own idle words, and therewith voiced
his objections to Him Who is the Truth. Gracious
God! Such references as have been made to Divinity
and Godhead by the holy ones and chosen ones of
God have been made a cause for denial and repudiation.
The Imám Ṣádiq hath said: “Servitude is a
substance, the essence of which is Divinity.” The
Commander of the Faithful (Imám ‘Alí) answered
an Arab, who had questioned him concerning the
soul, as follows: “The third is the soul which is divine
and celestial. It is a divine energy, a substance,
simple, and self-subsistent.” And further he—peace
be upon him—said: “Therefore it is the Most Sublime
Essence of God, the Tree of Blessedness, the
Lote-Tree beyond which there is no passing, the
Garden of Repose.” The Imám Ṣádiq hath said:
“When our Qá’im will arise, the earth will shine
with the light of her Lord.” Likewise, a lengthy
tradition is attributed to Ábí-‘Abdi’lláh—peace be
upon him—in which these sublime words are found:
“Thereupon will He Who is the All-Compelling—exalted and glorified be He—descend from the clouds
with the angels.” And in the mighty Qur’án: “What
can such expect but that God should come down to
them overshadowed with clouds?” And in the tradition
of Mufaddál it is said: “The Qá’im will lean
His back against the Sanctuary, and will stretch forth
His hand, and lo, it shall be snow-white but unhurt.
And He shall say: ‘This is the hand of God, the right
hand of God, that cometh from God, at the command
of God!’” In whichever manner these traditions are
interpreted, in that same manner let them also interpret
that which the Most Sublime Pen hath set
down. The Commander of the Faithful (Imám ‘Alí)
hath said: “I am He Who can neither be named, nor
described.” And likewise He hath said: “Outwardly
I am an Imám; inwardly I am the Unseen, the Unknowable.”
Abú-Ja’far-i-Túsí hath said: “I said to
Ábí ‘Abdi’lláh: ‘You are the Way mentioned in the
Book of God, and you are the Impost, and you are
the Pilgrimage.’ He replied: ‘O man! We are the
Way mentioned in the Book of God,—exalted and
glorified be He—and We are the Impost, and We
are the Fast, and We are the Pilgrimage, and We are
the Sacred Month, and We are the Sacred City, and
We are the Kaaba of God, and We are the Qiblih of
God, and We are the Face of God.’” Jabír hath said
that Abú-Ja’far—peace be upon him—spoke to him
as follows: “O Jabír! Give heed unto the Bayán
(Exposition) and the Má’ání (Significances).” He—peace be upon him—added: “As to the Bayán, it
consisteth in thy recognition of God—glorified be
He—as the One Who hath no equal, and in thy adoration
of Him, and in thy refusal to join partners with
Him. As to the Má’ání, We are its meaning, and its
side, and its hand, and its tongue, and its cause, and
its command, and its knowledge, and its right. If
We wish for something, it is God Who wisheth it,
and He desireth that which We desire.” Moreover,
the Commander of the Faithful (Imám ‘Alí)—peace
be upon him—hath said: “How can I worship a Lord
Whom I have not seen?” And, in another connection,
he saith: “Nothing have I perceived except that I
perceived God before it, God after it, or God with it.”
O Shaykh! Ponder upon the things which have
been mentioned, perchance thou mayest quaff the
Sealed Wine through the power of the name of Him
Who is the Self-Subsisting, and obtain that which no
one is capable of comprehending. Gird up the loins
of endeavor, and direct thyself towards the Most
Sublime Kingdom, that haply thou mayest perceive,
as they descend upon Me, the breaths of Revelation
and inspiration, and attain thereunto. Verily,
I say: The Cause of God hath never had, nor hath it
now, any peer or equal. Rend asunder the veils of
idle fancies. He, in truth, will reinforce thee, and
assist thee, as a token of His grace. He, verily, is
the Strong, the All-Subduing, the Almighty. While
there is yet time, and the blessed Lote-Tree is still
calling aloud amongst men, suffer not thyself to be
deprived. Place thy trust in God, and commit thine
affairs unto Him, and enter then the Most Great
Prison, that thou mayest hear what no ear hath ever
heard, and gaze on that which no eye hath ever seen.
After such an exposition, can there remain any room
for doubt? Nay, by God, Who standeth over His
Cause! In truth I say: On this day the blessed words
“But He is the Apostle of God, and the Seal of the
Prophets” have found their consummation in the verse
“The day when mankind shall stand before the Lord
of the worlds.” Render thou thanksgiving unto God,
for so great a bounty.
O Shaykh! The breezes of Revelation can never
be confounded with other breezes. Now the Lote-Tree
beyond which there is no passing standeth laden
with countless fruits before thy face; besmirch not
thyself with idle fancies, as have done the people
aforetime. These utterances themselves proclaim the
true nature of the Faith of God. He it is Who witnesseth
unto all things. To demonstrate the truth of
His Revelation He hath not been, nor is He, dependent
upon any one. Well nigh a hundred volumes
of luminous verses and perspicuous words have
already been sent down from the heaven of the will
of Him Who is the Revealer of signs, and are available
unto all. It is for thee to direct thyself towards
the Ultimate Goal, and the Supreme End, and the
Most Sublime Pinnacle, that thou mayest hear and
behold what hath been revealed by God, the Lord
of the worlds.
Ponder a while upon the verses concerning the
Divine Presence, which have been sent down in the
Qur’án by Him Who is the Lord of the kingdom of
names, perchance thou mayest discover the Straight
Path, and be made an instrument for the guidance
of His creatures. Such a one as thou must needs in
this day arise to serve this Cause. The abasement of
this Wronged One as well as thy glory shall both
pass away. Strive thou, that haply thou mayest
achieve a deed the fragrance of which shall never
fade from the earth. Concerning the Divine Presence
there hath been sent down what no denier hath been
or is now able to refute or repudiate. He—blessed
and exalted be He—saith: “It is God Who hath
reared the heavens without pillars thou canst behold;
then mounted His throne, and imposed laws on the
sun and moon: each traveleth to its appointed goal.
He ordereth all things. He maketh His signs clear,
that ye may have firm faith in the Presence of your
Lord.” He also saith: “To him who hopeth to attain
the Presence of God, the set time of God will surely
come. And He is the Hearer, the Knower.” And
further He—exalted be He—saith: “As for those who
believe not in the signs of God, or that they shall
ever attain His Presence, these of My mercy shall
despair, and these doth a grievous chastisement
await.” And likewise He saith: “And they say,
‘What! when we shall have lain hidden in the earth,
shall we become a new creation?’ Yea, they deny that
they shall attain the Presence of their Lord.” And
likewise He saith: “They truly doubt the Presence
of their Lord. He, verily, overshadoweth all things.”
And likewise He saith: “Verily, they who hope not
to attain Our Presence, and find their satisfaction in
this world’s life, and rest on it, and who of Our signs
are heedless—these! their abode the fire, in recompense
of their deeds!” And likewise He saith: “But when
Our clear signs are recited to them, they who look
not forward to attain Our Presence, say, ‘Bring a
different Qur’án from this, or make some change in
it.’ Say: It is not for Me to change it as Mine own
soul prompteth. I follow only what is revealed to
Me: verily, I fear, if I rebel against My Lord, the
punishment of a great day.” And likewise He saith:
“Then gave We the Book to Moses—complete for
Him who should do right, and a decision for all
matters, and a guidance, and a mercy, that they
might believe in the Presence of their Lord.” And
likewise he saith: “They are those who believe not
in the signs of the Lord, or that they shall ever attain
His Presence. Vain, therefore, are their works; and
no weight will We allow them on the Day of Resurrection.
This shall be their reward—Hell. Because
they were unbelievers, and treated My signs and My
Apostles with scorn.” And likewise He saith: “Hath
the history of Moses reached thee? When He saw a
fire, and said to His family, ‘Tarry ye here, for I
perceive a fire; haply I may bring you a brand from
it, or find at the fire a guide.’ And when He came
to it, He was called to, ‘O Moses! Verily, I am Thy
Lord; therefore pull off Thy shoes, for Thou art in
the holy vale of Towa. And I have chosen Thee;
hearken then to what shall be revealed. Verily, I am
God, there is no God but Me. Therefore, worship
Me.’” And likewise He saith: “Have they not considered
within themselves that God hath not created
the heavens and the earth and all that is between them
but for a serious end, and for a fixed term? But truly
most men believe not that they shall attain the Presence
of their Lord.” And likewise He saith: “What!
Have they no thought that they shall be raised again
for the Great Day, the Day when mankind shall
stand before the Lord of the worlds?” And likewise
He saith: “We heretofore gave the Book to Moses.
Have thou no doubt as to His attaining Our Presence.”
And He saith: “Aye! But when the earth
shall be crushed with crushing, crushing, and thy
Lord shall come and the angels rank on rank.” And
likewise He saith: “Fain would they put out the
light of God with their mouths! But though the
infidels hate it, God will perfect His light.” And
likewise He saith: “And when Moses had fulfilled
the term, and was journeying with His family, He
perceived a fire on the mountain side. He said to His
family: ‘Wait ye, for I perceive a fire, haply I may
bring you tidings from it, or a brand from the fire
to warm you.’ And when He came up to it, a Voice
cried to Him out of the Bush from the right side of
the Vale in the sacred Spot: ‘O Moses, I truly am
God, the Lord of the worlds!’”
In all the Divine Books the promise of the Divine
Presence hath been explicitly recorded. By this Presence
is meant the Presence of Him Who is the Dayspring
of the signs, and the Dawning-Place of the
clear tokens, and the Manifestation of the Excellent
Names, and the Source of the attributes, of the true
God, exalted be His glory. God in His Essence and
in His own Self hath ever been unseen, inaccessible,
and unknowable. By Presence, therefore, is meant
the Presence of the One Who is His Vicegerent
amongst men. He, moreover, hath never had, nor
hath He, any peer or likeness. For were He to have
any peer or likeness, how could it then be demonstrated
that His being is exalted above, and His
essence sanctified from, all comparison and likeness?
Briefly, there hath been revealed in the Kitáb-i-Íqán
(Book of Certitude) concerning the Presence and
Revelation of God that which will suffice the fair-minded.
We beseech Him—exalted be He—to aid
every one to become the essence of truthfulness, and
to draw nigh unto Him. He, verily, is the Lord of
strength and power. No God is there but Him, the
All-Hearing, the Lord of Utterance, the Almighty,
the All-Praised.
O thou who art reputed for thy learning! Bid
men to do that which is praiseworthy, and be not of
such as tarry. Observe thou with a keen eye. The
Sun of Truth shineth resplendently, at the bidding
of the Lord of the kingdom of utterance, and the
King of the heaven of knowledge, above the horizon
of the prison-city of ‘Akká. Repudiation hath not
veiled it, and ten thousand hosts arrayed against it
were powerless to withhold it from shining. Thou
canst excuse thyself no longer. Either thou must
recognize it, or—God forbid—arise and deny all the
Reflect, O Shaykh, upon the Shí’ih sect. How
many the edifices which they reared with the hands
of idle fancies and vain imaginings, and how numerous
the cities which they built! At length those vain
imaginings were converted into bullets and aimed
at Him Who is the Prince of the world. Not one
single soul among the leaders of that sect acknowledged
Him in the Day of His Revelation! Whenever
His blessed name was mentioned, all would say:
“May God hasten the joy His coming will bring!”
On the day of the Revelation of that Sun of Truth,
however, all, as hath been observed, have exclaimed,
saying: “May God hasten His chastisement!” He Who
was the Essence of being and Lord of the seen and
unseen they suspended, and committed what made
the Tablet to weep, and the Pen to groan, and the
cries of the sincere to break forth, and the tears of
the favored ones to flow.
Meditate, O Shaykh, and be fair in what thou
sayest. The followers of Shaykh-i-Ahsá’í (Shaykh
Aḥmad) have, by the aid of God, apprehended that
which was veiled from the comprehension of others,
and of which they remained deprived. Briefly, in
every age and century differences have arisen in the
days of the manifestation of the Daysprings of Revelation,
and the Dawning-Places of inspiration, and
the Repositories of Divine knowledge, differences
which have been caused and provoked by lying and
impious souls. To expatiate on this is not permissible.
Thou art thyself better acquainted and more familiar
with the idle fancies of the superstitious and the
vain imaginings of the doubters.
[Pages 101–120]Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
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