

بامدادخبر – براساس اخبار رسیده، یک پناهجوی ایرانی در پی مشاجرات خانوادگی، دختر ده ساله خود را کشت.
به گزارش شاهدان عینی، دوشنبه شب (۳۰ جولای-۹ مرداد) «فیروز. پ» پناهجوی ۴۲ ساله ایرانی ساکن شهر کایسری ترکیه، در پی مشاجرات خانوادگی و از دست دادن کنترل خود، ‌دختر ده ساله‌اش، «فرناز» را به قتل می‌رساند. پلیس محلی این رویداد را تایید کرده است.
 «فیروز. پ» پیش از این نیز با همسرش مشاجراتی داشته است. اما زمانی که همسرش او را تهدید به تماس با پلیس می‌کند، عنوان می‌کند، در صورت تماس با پلیس، «هرگز دخترش را نخواهد دید.»
در پی تماس همسر «فیروز» با پلیس، مرد اقدام خود را عملی کرده است و دختر خود را خفه می کند. در این زمان همسر فیروز برای مراجعه به پلیس از منزل خارج شده بوده است و پس از بازگشت متوجه در بسته خانه می‌شوند. پلیس به کمک پلیس امنیت شهر کایسری درب منزل را می‌شکنند که با جسد بی‌جان فرناز و جسد نیمه جان «فیروز» مواجه می‌شوند.
براساس اطلاعات رسیده به بامدادخبر، «فیروز» پس از این جنایت خودزنی کرده بوده و در حال حاضر وضعیت جسمی مناسبی ندارد.
 «فیروز. پ» ده ماه است که به همراه خانواده خود از ایران خارج شده است. وضعیت بد پناهندگان، مشکلات مالی، عدم اجازه کار رسمی و پاسخگویی نامناسب و روند طولانی در کمیساریای عالی پناهندگان سازمان ملل مستقر در ترکیه باعث بروز 311642_506243342735291_1225393482_nمشکلات روانی بسیاری برای پناهجویان ایرانی شده است.


هُو اللّه

حضرت عبدالبهاء می فرمایند :هُو اللّه
ای پروردگار تأييد بخش و توفيق عنايت کن اين ابر تيره را زائل کن و اين غمام هائل را متلاشی و باطل نسيم جانبخش بوزان و دلهای مرده را زنده کن باران رحمتی ببار و اين گياه افسرده را تر و تازه نما حدائق قلوب را جنّت ابهی کن و حقايق نفوس را رياض ملأ اعلی ای قدي
ر رجای اين عبد را بپذير توئی توانا توئی بيهمتا . ع ع

حضرت عبدالبهاء می فرمایند :

حضرت عبدالبهاء می فرمایند :" کلام انسان ، ترجمان قلب است . قلب در هر عالَمی باشد از آن عالَم ، صحبت می کند ؛ لهذا از بیان انسان ، معلوم می شود که در چه عالمی است ؛ توجّهش به جهان پَست است یا به جهان بالا ؛ آگاه است یا غافل ؛ بیدار است یا خواب ... " خاطرات حبیب - جلد1 - ص

اگر طوائف و ملل سائره جفا کنند

اگر طوائف و ملل سائره جفا کنند شما وفا نمائيد، ظلم کنند عدل بنمائيد، اجتناب کنند اجتذاب کنيد، دشمنی بنمايند دوستی بفرمائيد، زهر بدهند شهد ببخشيد، زخم بزنند مرهم بنهيد . هذا صفة المخلصين و سمة الصّادقين

نرگس محمدی

نرگس محمدی بعد از ۱۲ روز بی خبری تماس تلفنی گرفت: ۵ روز بینایی‌ام را از دست دادم

نرگس محمدی نایب رئیس کانون مدافعان حقوق بشر بعد از ۱۲ روز بی خبری سرانجام با خانواده خود تماس گرفت و اعلام کرد مجددا به زندان زنجان منتقل شده است.

به گزارش سایت ملی-مذهبی بعد از انتشار شایعات نگران کننده در مورد وضعیت وخیم جسمی نرگس محمدی و تشدید این نگرانی به دلیل عدم امکان ملاقات با خانواده،خانم محمدی در تماسی تلفنی خبر داد در زندان به زمین خورده و صورت وی به شدت آسیب دیده است.

بنا بر گفته های وی ابتدا مسئولان زندان با ارجاع او به پزشک زندان قصد اعزام این زندانی سیاسی را به بیمارستان نداشته اند اما پزشک زندان با توجه به وضعیت وخیم خانم محمدی زیر بار مسئولیت مداوای او نرفته و تاکید کرده ایشان باید به بیمارستان منتقل شود. در نتیجه تاکید پزشک،مسئولان زندان وی را به بیمارستان ولیعصر منتقل و در بخش مغز و اعصاب بستری می کنند.

شدت جراحت وارده به خانم محمدی به حدی بوده که او بینایی خود را به مدت چند روز از دست داده است. خانم محمدی در تماس تلفنی خود با اشاره به این موضوع تصریح کرده :«به مدت ۵ روز توانایی بینایی خود را از دست دادم. بعد از پنج روز مراقبت و نگهداری بینایی‌ام را دوباره به دست آوردم.»

خانم محمدی بعد از ۵ روز بستری در بیمارستان ولیعصر به بیمارستان شهید بهشتی منتقل شده وسرانجام روز جمعه مجددا به زندان زنجان منتقل می شود.

شرایط بیمارستان به قدری وخیم بوده است که خانم محمدی چندین بار درخواست کرده است مجددا وی را به زندان منتقل کنند. از زمان خواب تا ساعت ۷ صبح ماموران زندان دست وی را با دستبند به تخت بسته اند. این در حالی بوده است که یک مامور خانم در داخل اتاق و یک مامور مرد هم در خارج از اتاق حضور داشته اند.

در اتاق محل بستری خانم محمدی پرده های ضخیمی نصب شده بود که امکان هر گونه ارتباط با بیرون را سلب می کرد. عدم ارتباط با خانواده و عدم امکان تماس تلفنی با علی و کیانا فرزندان دو قلوی خانم محمدی باعث شده بود او تقاضای بازگشت به زندان را مطرح کند.

این شرایط به حدی وخیم بوده که خانم محمدی در مدت زمان بستری خود دو بار به فلج عضلانی و تشنج مبتلا می شود. در یکی از این دو بار مدت زمان تشنج ۶ ساعت طول کشیده است.

این زندانی سیاسی مجبور بوده روزانه ۱۰ تا ۱۵ قرص بخورد.

گفتنی است مسئولان زندان چند روز پیش به خانواده این زندانی سیاسی اعلام کرده بودند برای آزادی او باید وثیقه ششصد میلیون تومانی تهیه کنند. این در حالی است که پیش از این وثیقه تعیین شده پانصد میلیون تومان بود.

نرگس محمدی به بیماری فلج عضلانی مبتلاست و نا خودآگاه زمین می خورد . این موضوع می تواند عواقب جدی برای سلامتی اش داشته باشد. وی باید برای درمان خود تحت نظر پزشک متخصص بوده و مداوایش باید در فضایی آرام به دور از استرس انجام شود. اما متاسفانه مسئولان پرونده وی به دلایلی نامشخص از این اقدام سرباز می زنند.

مسئولان پرونده وی نه تنها به این شرایط توجه نکرده بلکه در اقدامی غیر قانونی او را به زندان زنجان منتقل کردند. هم بندیان خانم محمدی محکومان به فساد، فحشا و اعتیاد هستند. بحران های بزرگ اجتماعی که متاسفانه این هموطنان را گرفتارو قربانی مناسباتی ناسالم کرده است. این زندانیان به صورت روزانه با هم درگیری های شدید و در برخی موارد خونین دارند. وقوع این درگیری ها می تواند وضعیت جسمی نرگس محمدی را وخیم تر از قبل کند.

همه این اتفاقات در حالی رخ می دهد که نرگس محمدی اعتقاد دارد دفاع از حقوق بشر و اعتراض به نقض حقوق اولیه انسان ها از سوی اصحاب قدرت جرم نیست. دیگر آن که طبق قوانین، بیماری که تحمل شرایط زندان را ندارد و این موضوع از سوی پزشکان متخصصش مورد تاکید قرار گرفته ، نباید در زندان نگهداری شود. ضمن آن که انتقال بدون دلیل از زندان اوین به زندان زنجان هم غیرقانونی است.

نرگس محمدی پیش تر نسبت به تکرار حادثه زهرا کاظمی و هدی صابر برای خود هشدار داده بود. وی در نامه ای که از زندان نوشت مسئولیت مرگ عامدانه خود را متوجه مسئولان زندان کرد.

Hong Kong Baha'i Community 香港巴哈伊團體

8月1日星期三晚我們將在星河明居舉行一個巴哈伊兒童班介紹會,歡迎有興趣的朋友參加, 想知更多詳情, 請於辦公時間致電2367 6407香港巴哈伊中心查詢。
An introductory about Bahai Children Class will be held on Aug 1, Wed. night at Galaxia. Interested friends please call Hong Kong Bahai Center at 2
367 6407 during office hours for details.

باب را گفتند بی‌جهت ادّعای قائمیت کرده

باب را گفتند بی‌جهت ادّعای قائمیت کرده؛ امّا یکی نگفت بیایید تحقیق کنیم شاید همان موعود محبوب ما باشد که قرنها در انتظارش روزشماری کنیم و به یادش از جای برخیزیم؛ شاید که به انتظار ما پایان داده باشد.
بهاءالله را گفتند که چرا در لوح ملکه از او تعریف کردی؟ امّا یکی فکر نکرد که شاید ملکه در سپردن امور به دست جمهور و لغو برده‌داری در جهت ارادهء الهی حرکت کرده و مورد تأیید حق تعالی قرار گرفته باشد؛
بهاءالله را گفتند که در اسرائیل سُکنی گزیده و در جهت ایجاد حکومت این کشور بر خلاف مسلمین قدم برداشته؛ امّا یکی فکر نکرد که او به ظاهر به حکم دو سلطان به آنجا فرستاده شد و در واقع به ارادهء الهی به آن اقلیم برده شد و بشارات حضرت رسول اکرم و ائمّه و سایر مظاهر ظهور تحقـّق یافت؛ یکی نیندیشید که شاید این همان محبوب آفاقی باشد که همه در انتظارش بودیم؛ اینک آمده تا ما را به ملکوت الهی رهبری کند.
بهاءالله را گفتند چنین و چنان گفته و ادّعای خدایی کرده؛ امّا یکی نگفت بیایید بخوانیم ببینیم چه گفته و چه راه حلـّی برای مشکلات جهان داده؛ شاید همان کسی باشد که باید زمین را پر از عدل و داد کند؛ شاید همان کسی باشد که خداوند به کمک ما فرستاده تا از فلاکت و نخوت و چنددستگی رهاییمان دهد و به سوی وحدت رهنمونمان سازد.

شعری با دهان روزه

شعری با دهان روزه

من و تو
هر دو
گرسنگیِ من
عبادت است
گرسنگیِ تو
عادت است
گرسنگی من
از سر روزه است
گرسنگی تو
از سرنوشت روزهایت است
من، روزه‌ام را
افطار می‌کنم
تو، روزهایت را
تکرار می‌کنی
به آن بهشت‌ وارد شوم
از این جهنم‌، خارج شوی
و ما هر دو
این وسط
در خلوت خود
عدالت را
معنا می‌کنیم!

(شاهین جانپاک)

امروز سال‌گرد تولد نسیم اشرفی است

امروز سال‌گرد تولد نسیم اشرفی است. یکی از صدها جوان معتقد به دیانت بهایی، که به خاطر همین اعتقادات شخصی‌اش، به همراه همسرش بازداشت شده و اکنون در زندان است. من، چون درد قضاوت شدن را چشیده‌ام، دوست ندارم قضاوت کنم، اما...
اما، با خودم فکر می‌کنم امثال نسیم، همسرش و دیگر جوانان ایرانی که در این روزهای تاریخی و بحرانی، علی‌رغم داشتن مناسب‌ترین شرایط جهت خروج از کشور، در وطن‌شان مانده‌اند و سختی‌ها را به جان خریده‌اند و درد و زندان را زندگی کرده‌اند، نه تنها قابل تقدیرند، بلکه اگر سر سوزن وجدانی باقی مانده باشد، قابل تکثیرند.
این روزها که انواع و اقسام دردهای اقتصادی، اجتماعی، روانی، امنیتی و... به جان ملت ایران افتاده است و واقعا یک جوان ایرانی مثل من، از وضعیت چند ساعت آینده‌اش خبر ندارد، پُر واضح است که ترک وطن، آسان‌ترین و ساده‌ترین راه ممکن است. اگر نبود، خروج هموطنان‌ام از ایران "سرعتی طبیعی" داشت و مثل امروز نبود که هر روز خبر رفتنِ تعدادی دیگر از دوستان‌مان را بشنویم.
این‌ها را نگفتم تا آن‌هایی که رفته‌اند و یا می‌خواهند بروند، دلسرد شوند. این‌ها را گفتم تا آن‌هایی که واقعا هدف‌شان کمک به هموطنان‌شان است، بدانند همین که هستند-حتی اگر سر سوزن هم کار خاصی انجام ندهند- بیشترین آرامش را به دوستان و اطرافیان و آنهایی که مانده‌اند، منتقل می‌کنند. همیشه، حس همدردی با "بودن" انسان‌ها و به آغوش کشیدن یک‌دیگر به وجود می‌آید، و نه در "نبودن" آدم‌ها و یا دور بودنِ آنها...
فردی که از ایران خارج می‌شود، حتی اگر تصمیم گرفته باشد که به وطن‌اش خدمت کند، چون وارد جامعه‌ی جدیدی خواهد شد، دیگر مثل سابق امکان اثرگذاری برروی هم‌وطنان‌اش را نخواهد داشت. ماجرایش، می‌شود ماجرای یک ربات یا آدم آهنی که قصد دارد از راه دور، دیگران را کنترل کند. آدم‌ها، تنها آنهایی را می‌پذیرند که حاضرند مثل خودشان و درکنار خودشان زندگی کنند. تنها آنهایی که حاضرند تجربه‌ای مشابه ایشان داشته باشند. این سیره، سیره‌ی پیامبران هم بوده است. آدم‌ها وقتی زندگی سخت و یا یکسان پیامبران را دیدند، تحت تاثیر صحبت‌هایشان قرار گرفتند. اگر پیامبری مرغ بریان می‌خورد و دعوت به ساده زیستی می‌کرد، جز تعدادی دیوانه، چه کسی به او ایمان می‌آورد؟! همینطور است داستان فردی که می‌گوید هدفم آبادی ایران است و وطن را ترک می‌کند. ما هر کدام، پیامبری هستیم که دیگرانی منتظرمانند که به هم‌دردی‌هایمان ایمان آورند و درستی‌ها را در کنارمان زندگی کنند. خودمان را گول نزنیم. اگر می‌خواهیم برویم، اگر چه حتما میهن‌مان برای‌مان بسیار بسیار ارزشمند بوده و خواهد بود، اما به حرمت استقامت آنهایی که - با تحمل همین مقدار مشکلاتی که باعث رفتن ما شده است- مانده‌اند، یاد بگیریم که نگوئیم " با هدف آبادی و آزادی" وطن رفته‌ایم.
این چند خط را نوشتم تا بگویم، به نسیم اشرفی و همسرش و دیگر ایرانیانی که تحت شدیدترین فشارهای ممکن، وطن را ترک نکردند و زندگی‌شان را به پای نسل آینده‌ای ریختند که تنها با فداکاری این افراد می‌توانند مفهوم "آزادی" را بچشند، افتخار و اندیشه‌ی پاکشان را تکثیر می‌کنم.

نسیم عزیز سال‌روز تولدت گرامی باد


Baha'i Consultation

ترک فعصبات

اقلیت های قومی و مذهبی در ایران و بریتانیا

مناجات دعای دل - سایت آئین بهائی

وحدت عالم انسانی قسمت 1

دیانت بهائی

دیانت بهائی، یک دیانت جهانی است و هدفش اتحاد جمیع نژادها و ملیتها در یک آرمان بین المللی و دیانت واحد می باشد. تجدید و تکامل ادیان از اصول این آئین است زیرا در هر زمان مقتضیات جامعه بشری تغییر می پذیرد و در هر عصری دینی جدید موافق با مقتضیات و نیازمندهای جهانیان ظاهر می گردد. بـهائیان پیروان حضرت بـهاءالله هستند و معتقدند که ایشان، جدیدترین فرستاده الهی در سلسله پیامبران پیشین چون حضرت ابراهیم، موسی و بودا و زردشت و مسیح و بالاخره حضرت محمد است و رسالتش برای ایجاد تمدنی جدید و جهانی است که بشر در این زمان بدان نیازمند است. محور تعالیم دیانت بـهائی وحدت عالم انسانی است یعنی وقت آن آمده است که بشر از هر قوم و نژادی به یگانگی رسند و همه در ظلّ یک جامعه جهانی درآیند. حضرت بـهاءالله فرموده است که خداوند بیمانند نیروهائی را در جهان بکار گماشته است تا آنچه را که بر حسب سنّتهای پیشین سبب جدائی و اختلاف میان اقوام و طبقات و ادیان و ملل عالم گشته است از میان بردارد و مهمترین کاری که امروز بشر باید به آن پردازد وحدت عالم انسانی و تلاش و کوشش در راه اتّحاد و اتّفاق اهل عالم است. یکی از اهداف و مقاصد دین بـهائی بذل  همت و مساعدت در این مسیر است. از این روی امر بـهائی جامعه‌ی جهانی مرکّبی بیش از 7 میلیون نفر از اکثر ملل و نژادها و فرهنگهای جهان بوجود آورده و تعالیم حضرت بـهاءالله را در آن جامعه تجسم بخشیده است. آزمایشی که بهائیان در این راه گذرانده اند سبب تشویق کسانی است که از همین راه می پویند و نوع انسان را اعضاء یک خاندان و کره زمین را یک وطن می دانند.

Aeene Bahai
جمعی از بهائیان از نقاط مختلف جهان

Bahram Moshiri - چرا آخوندها تشنه به خون بهايان هستند ؟

مستند تابوی ایرانی

شعر""رسم عاشقی"" از طاهره قرة العین

طاهره قرّةالعين PT1

Tahereh Ghoratolein طاهره قرة العین

تقدیم به زندانی بهایی

ويديو مناجات بهايی ديگر چه غمی [www.BahaiGlory.com]

دعای انت الکافی به زبان فارسی

مناجات لقا

مناجات دعای دل - سایت آئین بهائی

شاهنشاه آریامه

امروز روز درگذشت شاهنشاه آریامهر محمد رضا شاه پهلوی هست
لطفا به اشتراک بگذارید ... share
خدا رحمتت کند مرد ایران زمین
چیزی که خیلی زجرم داد مستند از تهران تا قاهره شبکه من و تو بود جائی که گفت من سه سال دیگه وقت برای ساخت سرزمین مورد نظرم نیاز داشتم
جائی که گزارشگر های آمریکا و انگلیس التماسش میکردن که با بالا بردن قیمت نفت کشورشون رو نابود نکنه




How I remember Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum

How I remember Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum

It was an early month of 1980. I was a student and a pioneer in the city of Puebla, close to Mexico City. It was only 2 years I had come to Mexico from Iran.
One of the professors of the university was an old American lady whose name was Dr. Edris Roshan Rice Wray. When I asked her how come she had a Persian name in the middle of her name, she said that the name was given to her by Abdul Baha when she was a little girl, in His visit to the United States.
So that’s how I learned that she was a Baha’i. Her father was Howard Colby Ives.
We became close friends and she offered to help me and other Baha’is in Puebla to run a fire side. We held those fire sides for 3 years almost, 3 nights a week in my house.
I did not know much Spanish then so she was the one who talked in those meetings.

One day Dr. Edris told me that a close friend of hers, a friend from early childhood was going to come to Mexico to visit the Baha'i Friends, and she would love to go a few hours earlier to see and chat with her before the conference began, Her childhood friend was Rouhiyye Khanum. She asked me if I could drive her car to go to Mexico city a few hours before the conference began. I was more than happy to do that as I could have more time to see Ruhiyyeh Khanum.
So I drove the 2 hours trip to Mexico City and reached the hotel where Amat’u’lbaha was staying.
Mexico city was a big giant city and I had no idea how to get there,but Dr. Edris Roshan knew it well and guided me over. I parked by the hotel and I went with Dr. Edris to the room which was on the 4th or 5th floor.
Dr. Knocked and Mrs. Nakhjavani who accompanied Ruhiyyeh Khanum opened the door. Dr. Edris went in and hugged and kissed her old friend, and I was left at the door speechless. She noticed I could not speak and in sweet Persian called me and asked me to get in . All I could say was Allah’u’abha and could not say anything else.
Then I noticed that the friends wanted to chat and talk about old times, and I told Dr. Edris that I would wait downstairs by the car.
When I got to the car, I saw a police officer around the car figuring whose car was it.
“What seems to be the problem officer?”, I asked. He told me that the car could not be there and needed to be parked somewhere else. I told him that the owner was upstairs with Ruhiyye khanum and they would soon come down to go to a place where Ruhiyye khanum could hold a conference for the Baha’is of Mexico.
He looked curious and said who Ruhiyye khanum was and what was ‘Baha’is’?
Through the fire sides I had had in my house I had learned how to introduce the Faith in Spanish so gave him a brief introduction of the Faith and he was listening. But he said that he had to give a ticket or tow the car if I did not move it. I told him that Ruhiyye Khanum was a very prominent person of the Baha’i Faith and is coming from the Holy land just for this conference and if he did that his name would go in the history as a policeman who gave a ticket to the car carrying her.
We were in that discussion when suddenly the 3 ladies apeared and I told him. Look there she comes. This is Ruhiyye khanum. She was wearing an Indian Sari, and looked so beautiful and gorgeous in that outfit.
The police man who was writing the ticket just closed his book and remained surprised and stunned of her presence. He asked me where was she going to hold the confernce? I went to ask Dr. Edris about the conference address. She gave it to me and she asked what was with the Police officer? What was he saying? I told her I would explain on the way to the conference site.
The policeman called on his radio for another police man to go with a motorcycle to help him to escort us because an international personality was there and he wanted to help her out.
In a minute another motorcycle with an officer showed up and the officer told me to follow them because it was far and we might get lost.
So I followed them who were riding ahead of us with their sirens on, opening the dense traffic and I drove fast behind them.Everybody was looking at us, thinking "who were those people that the police was escorting?"
Then Ruhiyye khanum asked me what had happened and I told her that "we were going to get a ticket for bad parking but when the cop saw her he refrained and instead, decided to escort us. It must have been the impression of your presence." She said that it was a help from Baha’u’llah.
On our arrival to the site of the conference, both officers got out of their bikes and gave a military salute to Ruhiyye khanum and bade farewell. Ruhiyye khanum waved at them and said Thank you and good bye.
This is a story I can never forget when I first met Ruhiyye khanum, and I was thinking “what else could it have been but help from Baha’u’llah? You get it when you less expecte it?”

مناجاتی از حضرت رب اعلی

مناجاتی از حضرت رب اعلی
يا سَيدِي الأَكبَرَ ما أنا بِشَيْءٍ إلاَّ وقَد أَقامَتْنِي قُدْرَتُكَ علَى الأَمْرِ. ما اتَّكَلْتُ فِي شَيْءٍ إلاَّ عَلَيْكَ. وما اعتَصَمْتُ في أَمرٍ إِلاَّ إِلَيْك. يا بَقيَّةَ اللهِ قَدْ فَدَيْتُ بِكُلِّي لَكَ ورَضَيْتُ السَّبَّ فِي سَبيلِكَ وما تَمَنَّيْتُ إلاَّ القَتْلَ فِي مَحبَّتِكَ وَكَفَى بِاللهِ العَلِيِّ مُعْتَصَماً قَدِيماً. وَكَفَى بِاللهِ شاهِدَاً وَوَكِيلاً.*

By Banovane

مادامي كه اين اطفال در كنارت هستند تا مي تواني دوستشان بدار خود را فراموش كن و به ايشان خدمت نما، شفقت فراوان خود را از آنان دريغ مدار، مادامي كه اين موهبت با توست، قدرش را بدان و نگذار هيچ يك از رفتار كودكانه آنها بدون قدرداني بماند. اين شادماني كه اكنون در دسترس توست، مدت زيادي نخواهد ماند، اين دستان نرم كوچكي كه در دست تو آشيانه دارند، در حالي كه در آفتاب قدم مي‌زني هميشه با تو نخواهد بود. همينگونه اين پاهاي كوچكي كه در كنارت مي‌دوند و يا صداهاي مشتاقي كه بدون وقفه و با هيجان هزاران سوال از تو مي‌كنند، تا ابد نيستند. اين صورت‌هاي قابل اعتماد كه به طرف تو توجه مي‌كنند، يا بازوان كوچكي كه بر گردن تو حلقه مي‌شوند و لبان نرمي كه به روي گونه‌هاي تو فشار مي‌آورند، دائمي نيستند همينطور بدن‌هاي كوچكي كه در كنار تو زانو مي‌زنند و مناجات زمزمه مي‌كنند، هميشگي نخواهند بود پس دوستشان بدار و محبت آنها را جلب كن و تمام گنجينه قلب خودت را برايشان ارزاني بدار، روزهايشان را از شادي پر كن و در خوشي و شادماني معصومانه ايشان شريك باش، طفوليت جز روزي بيش نيست آگاه باش كه براي هميشه از دست خواهد رفت.
تبریک و تهنیت به مناسبت ایام پر برکت و فرخندۀ عید اعظم رضوان

بی من مرو بسیار زیبا و شنیدنی


بازداشت فاران حسامی، از اساتید دانشگاه آنلاین بهائیان برای اجرای ۴ سال حبس تعزیری***

بازداشت فاران حسامی، از اساتید دانشگاه آنلاین بهائیان برای اجرای ۴ سال حبس تعزیری***

جمعیت مبارزه با تبعیض تحصیلی – فاران حسامی، شهروند بهایی که به ۴ سال حبس تعزیری محکوم شده بود، صبح امروز در اجرای احکام زندان اوین بازداشت و برای اجرای ۴ سال حبس تعزیری خود به زندان منتقل شد.

بر اساس این گزارش، این شهروند بهائی صبح امروز در پی مراجعه به اجرای احکام زندان اوین برای تأیید وکالتنامه کامران رحیمیان، همسر خود که در زندان رجایی شهر در حال گذراندن محکومیت ۴ ساله خود است، بازداشت شد.

این بازداشت در حالی صورت گرفته است که حکم بدوی ایشان در مرحله تجدید نظر بوده است و تائید حکم ایشان به وی ابلاغ نشده بود. در حالی که در پی مراجعه ایشان برای انجام امور اداری همسرشان، به وی ابلاغ شد که حکم وی تأیید شده و ایشان برای اجرای حکم بلافاصله بازداشت شده اند.

پیش تر فاران حسامی از سوی شعبه ۱۵دادگاه انقلاب به ریاست قاضی صلواتی به اتهام "عضویت در جامعه بهائی"(ماده ۴۹۹) و "اجتماع و تبانی به قصد بر هم زدن امنیت ملی"(ماده ۶۱۰) به چهار سال حبس تعزیری محکوم شده بود. وی در تاریخ ۲۲ شهریور ماه ۹۰ در پی احضار به شعبه پنج دادسرای اوین بازداشت شده بود و در اوایل آذرماه همان سال به قید وثیقه آزاد شده بود.

کامران رحیمیان، همسر فاران حسامی نیز از سوی شعبه ۱۵دادگاه انقلاب به ریاست قاضی صلواتی به اتهامات مشابه به ۴ سال حبس تعزیری محکوم شده بود که هم اکنون در زندان رجایی شهر در حال گذراندن محکومیت خود است.

لازم به ذکر است که کامران رحیمیان و فاران حسامی دارای فرزند خردسالی به نام آرتین هستند که تنها ۳ سال سن دارد.

The provisional translation into English

The provisional translation into English : He is,
in truth, the Omnipotent, the Unconstrained! O Lord of Names and Fashioner of the Heavens! Free Thy lovers from the prison of the enemy. Verily, Thou art the Sovereign Ordainer of Thine irrevocable decree. He who alone shineth resplendent on the horizon of creation. O Everlasting Root! By the life of the All-Glorious, deprive them not of hope, nay rather aid and assist them. Verily, Thou rulest as Thou pleasest and within Thy grasp lie the kingdoms of creation. The fangs of Thine enemies have been whetted, ready to bite into the flesh of Thy lovers. Protect these companions, O Thou Who rulest over all humankind and art the Judge on the Day of Judgement

انه لهو المقتدر المختار, يامالك الاسماء وفاطر السماء خلص الاحباء من سجن الاعداء انك سلطان القضاء والمشرق من افق البداء يااصل البقاء لعمر البهاء لاتقطع الرجاء فانصر هؤلاء انت الحاكم علي ماتشاء وفي قبضك ملكوت الانشاء قد شحذ الانياب للحم الاحباب ان نحفظ الاصحاب يامالك الرقاب والحاكم في المأب

دوستان و سروران عزیز و گرامی‌

به تازگی خبری مبنی بر انتقال دو خانم از زندان اوین به زندان قرچک ورامین حکایت از انتقال بقیه خانمها مخصوصا فریبا کامل آبادی و مهوش ثابت شهریاری که از مدیران جامعه بهائی هستند را دارد همان گونه که بر همگان روشن و واضح هست زندان قرچک ورامین محلی بسیار نامطلوب و غیر بهداشتی با زندانیان خطر ناک است از تک تک شما عزیزان در خواست عاجلا نه‌ مینمائیم که برای تمامی‌ زندانیان در بند مخصوصا فریبا و مهوش عزیز دست به دعا بردارید و انشالله و به امید حق این مشکل هرچه سریعتر مرتفع گردد.

عفیف نعیمی شهروند زندانی بهایی به بیمارستان منتقل شد

جناب عفیف نعیمی یکی از مدیران سابق جامعه بهاییِ ایران که در زندان رجایی شهر کرج زندانی است، پس از گذشت حدود سه ماه از اخذ مدارک لازم از سوی دادستانی و بهداری زندان، سر انجام به بیمارستان منتقل شد.

بنا به اطلاع گزارشگران هرانا، ارگان خبری مجموعه فعالان حقوق بشر در ایران، عفیف نعیمی شهروند بهایی و از مدیران سابق جامعه بهایی ایران که در زندان رجایی شهر کرج زندانی میباشد، با اینکه حدود سه ماه پیش موفق به اخذ تمام مدارک لازم از سوی دادستانی و بهداری زندان جهت اعزام به بیمارستان گردیده بود، سرانجام امروز جهت درمان به بیمارستانی خارج از زندان منتقل گردید.

آقای نعیمی به ناراحتی شدید غدد لنفاوی و تورم حاد در ناحیه‌ی گلو مبتلاست که بیماری وی به علت عدم رسیدگی پزشکی تشدید شده است.

VOA اعدام هاي پنهاني زندان وکيل آباد مشهد

Execution of Political Prisoners by Islamic Republic of Iran, اعدام زن...

A Big Prison: Iran, Part 2 \ ایران، یک زندان بزرگ ؛ بخش ۲

Noveen TV: قائم موعود

Noveen TV Part 2: وصیت نامه ی حضرت بهاءالله


یورش نیروهای امنیتی و بازداشت گسترده بهائیان در تهران

یورش نیروهای امنیتی و بازداشت گسترده بهائیان در تهران

شب گذشته و صبح امروز ماموران امنیتی با حمله به منازل شهروندان بهائی در شهر تهران و پس از تفتیش منازل و در...

ای اغنيای ارض

ای اغنيای ارض
فقرا امانت منند در ميان شما . پس امانت مرا درست حفظ نمائيد و براحت نفس خود تمام نپردازيد ....حضرت بهاء الله

ز کلک قِدم آیدم این صریر
که فرمود ا...

I love these maps!!!

I love these maps!!!
Ezekiel 43:4
And the Glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the Gate, whose prospect is toward the East.
Ezekiel 43...

ای کاش می تـوانستیم

ای کاش می تـوانستیم صدای گــریه کـردن هـایت را هم بشنویم نــه فقط
صدای ویولن ات را...


"Extracts from Interviews with the Architect of the Baha'i temple in India, named Mr. Fariborz Sahba: I was concentrating and praying. I was convinced that God would guide me towards a concept.... Is it not strange that just by chance I had to change my route while travelling, and go to a different place where a pure soul, whom I had never met before, was waiting to tell me about the lotus? This was an Indian Bahá'í friend, Mr. Kamrudin Bartar, from Gwalior who for the first time spoke to me about the lotus as an idea for the Temple.... In South India another Indian Bahá'í, on learning of my interest in the lotus flower, showed much enthusiasm. He took great pains to locate a pond covered with this beautiful flower and, brimming over with excitement, took me to view the magnificent blooms. His earnest description and explanation of whatever he knew about the lotus impressed upon me the deep-rooted significance of this flower in India."


Enoch Olinga, Baha'i Hand of the Cause of God

The Material & Spiritual Aspects of Creation - Dr. Peter Khan - Part 1/4

... free will is an inherent endowment of the soul,

 "Because free will is an inherent endowment of the soul, each person who is drawn to explore Bahá'u'lláh's teachings will need to find his own place in the never-ending continuum of spiritual search. He will need to determine, in the privacy of his own conscience and without pressure, the spiritual responsibility this discovery entails. In order to exercise this autonomy intelligently, however, he must gain both a perspective on the processes of change in which he, like the rest of the earth's population, is caught up and a clear understanding of the implications for his own life."

... virtues that befit his dignity are ..

All men have been created to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization. The Almighty bearest Me witness: To act like the beasts of the field is unworthy of man. Those virtues that befit his dignity are forbearance, mercy, compassion and loving-kindness towards all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Say: O friends! Drink your fill from this crystal stream that floweth through the heavenly grace of Him Who is the Lord of Names. Let others partake of its waters in My name, that the leaders of men in every land may fully recognize the purpose for which the Eternal Truth has been revealed, and the reason for which they themselves have been created.

... sense of shame.....

"Verily I say: The fear of God hath ever been a sure defence and a safe stronghold for all the peoples of the world. It is the chief cause of the protection of mankind, and the supreme instrument for its preservation. Indeed, there existeth in man a faculty which deterreth him from, and guardeth him against, whatever is unworthy and unseemly, and which is known as his sense of shame. This, however, is confined to but a few; all have not possessed and do not possess it

Shoghi Effendi For Bahá'u'lláh, we should readily recognize, has not only imbued mankind with a new and regenerating Spirit. He has not merely enunciated certain universal principles, or propounded a particular philosophy, however potent, sound and universal these may be. In addition to these He, as well as 'Abdu'l-Bahá after Him, has, unlike the Dispensations of the past, clearly and specifically laid down a set of Laws, established definite institutions, and provided for the essentials of a Divine Economy. These are destined to be a pattern for future society, a supreme instrument for the establishment of the Most Great Peace, and the one agency for the unification of the world, and the proclamation of the reign of righteousness and justice upon the earth. Not only have they revealed all the directions required for the practical realization of those ideals which the Prophets of God have visualized, and which from time immemorial have inflamed the imagination of seers and poets in every age. They have also, in unequivocal and emphatic language, appointed those twin institutions of the House of Justice and of the Guardianship as their chosen Successors, destined to apply the principles, promulgate the laws, protect the institutions, adapt loyally and intelligently the Faith to the requirements of progressive society, and consummate the incorruptible inheritance which the Founders of the Faith have bequeathed to the world. Shoghi EffendI

For Bahá'u'lláh, we should readily recognize, has not only imbued mankind with a new and regenerating Spirit. He has not merely enunciated certain universal principles, or propounded a particular philosophy, however potent, sound and universal these may be. In addition to these He, as well as 'Abdu'l-Bahá after Him, has, unlike the Dispensations of the past, clearly and specifically laid down a set of Laws, established definite institutions, and provided for the essentials of a Divine Economy. These are destined to be a pattern for future society, a supreme instrument for the establishment of the Most Great Peace, and the one agency for the unification of the world, and the proclamation of the reign of righteousness and justice upon the earth. Not only have they revealed all the directions required for the practical realization of those ideals which the Prophets of God have visualized, and which from time immemorial have inflamed the imagination of seers and poets in every age. They have also, in unequivocal and emphatic language, appointed those twin institutions of the House of Justice and of the Guardianship as their chosen Successors, destined to apply the principles, promulgate the laws, protect the institutions, adapt loyally and intelligently the Faith to the requirements of progressive society, and consummate the incorruptible inheritance which the Founders of the Faith have bequeathed to the world.

The soul of man ....

 "Consider the lamp which is hidden under a bushel. Though its light be shining, yet its radiance is concealed from men. Likewise, consider the sun which hath been obscured by the clouds. Observe how its splendor appeareth to have diminished, when in reality the source of that light hath remained unchanged. The soul of man should be likened unto this sun, and all things on earth should be regarded as his body. So long as no external impediment interveneth between them, the body will, in its entirety, continue to reflect the light of the soul, and to be sustained by its power. As soon as, however, a veil interposeth itself between them, the brightness of that light seemeth to lessen."


A Divine Educator

"As 'Abdu'l-Bahá so often points out, the Manifestation of God is a Divine Educator. He attracts the hearts of men, pours out His spirit upon those who respond to Him, instructs them in the right way of life, uses them to carry forward the development of human society, and disciplines them by His Law. We Bahá'ís, we who have answered His call, bear the responsibility of carrying forward His work among mankind, and in spite of our innumerable failings His plan is irresistibly progressing. The great tragedy of mankind at this time is the failure of the vast majority of human beings to heed the Divine Call, and this is in large part occasioned by the failure of most of those who have believed to live up to the high standard that Bahá'u'lláh has set. This is the condition in which we must work in our service to mankind, turning a sin-covering eye to the faults of others, and striving in our own inmost selves to purify our lives in accordance with the divine Teachings. "

... notion of a path is ....

The main sequence of courses is organized so as to set the individual, whether Baha'i or not, on a path being defined by the accumulating experience of the community in its endeavour to open before humanity the vision of Baha'u'llah's World Order. The very notion of a path is, itself, indicative of the nature and purpose of the courses, for a path invites participation, it beckons to new horizons, it demands effort and movement, it accommodates different paces and strides, it is structured and defined.  A path can be experienced and known, not only by one or two but by scores upon scores; it belongs to the community. To walk a path is a concept equally expressive.  It requires of the individual volition and choice; it calls for a set of skills and abilities but also elicits certain qualities and attitudes; it necessitates a logical progression but admits, when needed, related lines of exploration; it may seem easy at the outset but becomes more challenging further along.  And crucially, one walks the path in the company of others.

Baha’i shrines chosen as World Heritage sites

Baha’i shrines chosen as World Heritage sites

8 July 2008
— A United Nations committee meeting here has determined that two Baha'i shrines in Israel possess "outstanding universal value" and should be considered as part of the cultural heritage of humanity.
The decision today by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee means that the two most sacred sites for Baha'is - the resting places of the founders of their religion - join a list of internationally recognized sites like the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, and Stonehenge.
The World Heritage List also includes places of global religious significance like the Vatican, the Old City of Jerusalem, and the remains of the recently destroyed Bamiyan Buddhist statues in Afghanistan.
The Baha'i shrines are the first sites connected with a religious tradition born in modern times to be added to the list, which is maintained by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The two shrines, one near the recognized heritage site of Old Acre on Israel's northern coast and the other on Mount Carmel in Haifa, are the resting places of Baha'u'llah and the Bab, the founders of the Baha'i Faith.
Baha'is believe that both Baha'u'llah and the Bab were messengers of God; their resting places are sites of pilgrimage for a religious community of some five million believers. The shrine of Baha'u'llah is the focal point of prayer for Baha'is all over the world, giving it an importance comparable to the Western Wall in Jerusalem for Jews and the Kaaba in Mecca for Muslims.
Born in Iran, Baha'u'llah was banished to Acre in what was then the Ottoman Empire, where he died in 1892. The Bab was executed in Iran in 1850, and His remains were later moved to Haifa for burial.
  • The Shrine of Baha’u’llah near Acre, north of Haifa – the holiest spot on earth for members of the Baha’i Faith – also is part of the World Heritage… »
The two shrines are noteworthy for the formal gardens that surround them, blending design elements from many cultures. In addition to Baha'i pilgrims, they attract hundreds of thousands of visitors and tourists every year.
"We welcome the UNESCO recognition, which highlights the importance of the holy places of a religion that in 150 years has gone from a small group found only in the Middle East to a worldwide community with followers in virtually every country," said Albert Lincoln, secretary-general of the Baha'i International Community.
"The Baha'i community is particularly grateful to the government of Israel for putting forward this nomination," he said.
The World Heritage List was established by UNESCO in 1972 to identify, protect, and preserve places of "cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value." So far, 184 nations have signed the World Heritage Convention, which defines the general standards of selection for the list, and more than 850 sites have been recognized, including natural areas, such as East Africa's Serengeti and Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
The World Heritage Committee is composed of 21 states that are signatories of the World Heritage Convention. It meets annually in the home country of its chairperson. This year's chair is Dr. Christina Cameron of Canada, and the gathering in Quebec, which is itself a world heritage site, corresponds with that city's 400th anniversary celebrations.

Empowering Roma mothers to break the cycle of illiteracy

Empowering Roma mothers to break the cycle of illiteracy

3 August 2006
Before she started studying with the Mesed Project, Agi Racz was ashamed of the fact that she could not read -- and afraid to try to learn how.
"At first I had doubts, fears," said Ms. Racz, a mother of four and a member of the Roma ethnic minority.
But with the encouragement of the Mesed literacy project volunteers and other participants, she overcame her anxieties.
"I felt good with my friends, and it helped me to get over my feelings of shame," she said. "If someone couldn't read she got encouragement from the others. They said, 'Never mind, go on.' I realized that I can do it, that they won't laugh at me."
Ms. Racz is one of some 40 participants in the Mesed project, which was started by the Baha'i community of Hungary in 2003 with the goal of teaching reading and writing to disadvantaged Roma women.
Currently operating in eight towns and cities, the project is distinctive for its use of storytelling in the teaching of reading and writing. The word Mesed is an acronym for "Meselo Edes Anyak," which means "storytelling mothers."
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  • Graduation ceremony held in Torokszentmiklos in 2003.
The project aims to help Roma mothers to overcome their fears of reading by encouraging them to read and tell stories to their children -- thereby not only giving them encouragement in the path to literacy, but also to create a culture of reading at home -- and so help break the cycle of illiteracy between generations.
"Many of the Roma women lack basic skills in reading and/or the confidence to read aloud," said Furugh Switzer, the director of the project. "They usually become mothers at an early age and the distance between them and book learning increases.
"They tend to develop feelings of inferiority which, in turn, affects their view of life and of their own self. They are not in a position to help their children with school work, neither are they able to transfer enthusiasm and appreciation for books and book learning, and a cycle of illiteracy is perpetuated," said Ms. Switzer.
Hajnal Racz, a participant of the project and a mother of three, described how initial feelings of shame and embarrassment were replaced by a sense of confidence.
"In the beginning it was strange that we had to read," said Hajnal Racz, who is not related to Agi Racz -- Racz being a common surname among the Roma. "We tried not to make mistakes, but being anxious we made more mistakes. But, after a while, we realized that we don't need to be ashamed. Halfway through the project our reading improved a lot and by the end of the project we could read quite well."
In 2003, Mesed was selected as one of the five projects that were presented at the European Parliament as a supporting program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.
The project has also drawn notice from local officials. Leko Belane Malika, the deputy mayor of Jakohalma -- one of the villages in the region of Jaszsag where a large population of Roma reside and one of Mesed's main areas of focus -- recently described the facilitators as "dedicated professionals who take it to their heart to bring about equality which is a key question in today's world."
"I think this is a pioneering effort in this field," said Mr. Malika. "And I would like to express my gratitude for this work."
The Roma, which constitute roughly six percent of Hungary's population, are considered to be the most disadvantaged and most discriminated against minority group in the country. Literacy rates for the Roma are distinctly lower than for the Hungarian population at large, according to the United Nations Development program. This is especially for people over 45. While 97 percent of that age group are literate in Hungary as a whole, just 77 percent of Roma men and women are.
What matters more, perhaps, are the statistics on educational attainment for Roma children. According to Balazs Wizner, writing in the Hungarian Quarterly last year, about 36 percent of Roma children failed to complete elementary school in 2000, versus 5 percent for other Hungarian children. That gets worse as they move up the educational ladder. In 2001, approximately 20 percent of the Roma entered secondary school, versus 73 percent nationwide.
By stressing the literacy among mothers -- and focusing on reading at an early age -- Mesed hopes to break that cycle by providing a course of free weekly literacy classes.
"At a basic level it empowers women," Ms. Switzer said. "It affects the mother's relationship with books and learning by creating a positive association which, in turn, and naturally, will be passed on to her children. Women begin to see themselves as active agents of change."
Participant Andrea Racz said the course had indeed helped her see the importance of motherhood. "The role of a mother is very important in a family," she said. "If in a family the mother feels good, then that family is a happy family because a mother not only thinks about the day to day life of a family, but she also prepares them for life. We are mothers, but we raise future mothers and fathers."
One of the main goals of the project is to create a forum where Roma mothers can feel safe and comfortable to express their feelings, grievances and hopes. "The most important thing," said Andrea Racz, "was that we had found a new family because the atmosphere was very warm."
Ms. Switzer described the process of bonding and sharing that took place between the mothers. "The mothers started by sharing experiences from the childhood," she said. "Having found an accepting, loving and secure milieu -- an experience otherwise unprecedented in their life within a deeply prejudiced society -- they poured out their hearts and shared their past experiences."
The first phase of the project focuses on the development of basic literacy skills through the reading of children's books -- and the teaching of moral virtues as contained in them.
Each week the mothers receive and practice with a new children's book, which they then take home and read to their children every night during the week. In this way, skills that are learned are immediately put into practice.
"Our task in this was that when we went home we read the story to our children," said Andrea Racz. "Every night we read to them. They eagerly waited every night to see what story they would get."
In all, the mothers read 15 books, which are given to them as gifts, and which ultimately becomes a small library for the family in each home.
"Research shows that the more children are read to before they go to school," said Ms. Switzer, "the more likely they are to be academically successful. Thus the Roma children will become the mutual beneficiaries for this project. They will enter school mentally more equipped for the written word and will have a positive association with books and reading.
"They are also more likely to be supported by their mothers at home who, by now, have gained a sense of pride in their ability to read and are more equipped to help track the progress of their children at school," said Ms. Switzer.
Julika Kovacs, a mother of three, described her children's enthusiastic response to reading. "They always waited for me to arrive every week asking what new story book I brought. They always read, all three of them, and fought with each other to be the first one to read."
The emphasis on educating children in virtues is directly linked to the books. The mothers are taught to use the stories they read in their day-to-day life to teach children moral and spiritual qualities, such as honestly, trustworthiness, kindness and generosity.
"When there were behavioral problems with my little son or he didn't understand something," said Andrea Racz, "I read a story to him and talked about the main characters in the story and we discussed how they behaved and whether it was proper behavior or not. There were situations where all I had to say was, you know 'Franklin Helps' [the name of the book] and he knew what I meant."
Participant Marika Farkas said the act of coming together to read has a positive effect on her whole family. "Every week...the whole family sits together to read. It brings the whole family together. Mother, father and the children sit together and read and in this way the home becomes a warmer place because of these stories."
So far ten groups of mothers throughout Hungary have completed the first phase of the project, which was funded by the Baha'i community of Hungary. The Mesed project plans to expand, and the next step is to organize trainings for facilitators who will then act as coordinators for the Mesed meetings. Once a core number of women have been trained, the project will start experimenting with phase two: the development of writing skills.
"By all means I recommend the course," said Andrea Racz. "Roma and Hungarian mothers alike, get to know each other, and think together, and they will see how nice it is to think together, and from this they will see that not only is it possible to live together, but we must.
"Let us all be proud that we are mothers, that we make every effort for the benefit of our children," she said. "For the children the only task should be learning, learning, learning."

Ethics are 'missing dimension' in climate debate, says IPCC head

Ethics are 'missing dimension' in climate debate, says IPCC head

23 September 2009
— The inequities and injustices that are likely to occur on a global level because of climate change mean that world leaders must carefully examine the moral and ethical dimensions of global warming, said Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman of the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
"The impacts of climate change are going to be inequitable, unequal, and severe in many parts of the world," said Dr. Pachauri, who spoke today at a breakfast meeting at the Baha'i International Community offices.
"We have to think at a much higher level. And I think this is where ethics comes in so critically as the missing dimension in this debate," he said.
Dr. Pachauri's comments came at the official launch of an appeal, directed at world leaders gathered at this week's UN Summit on Climate Change, to emphasize the importance of the moral and ethical dimensions of global warming and its impact in their deliberations.
The appeal was drafted by the Baha'i International Community and has been signed by 25 nongovernmental organizations, religious groups, and policy institutes. The document calls on world leaders to "consider deeply the ethical and moral questions at the root of the climate change crisis."
"The quest for climate justice is not a competition for limited resources but part of an unfolding process towards greater degrees of unity among nations as they endeavor to build a sustainable, just and peaceful civilization," the appeal states.
Tahirih Naylor, a Baha'i representative to the United Nations, said the purpose of the document is to call attention to the fact that climate change is more than a political, economic and scientific problem.
"There is a moral and ethical dimension to climate change that must be addressed," said Ms. Naylor. "For example, we know that wealthy nations have contributed more to climate problems than the poor nations, and so there is an element of justice that must be considered in any long-term solution."
Dr. Pachauri said that while science can provide the building blocks for understanding the impact and likelihood of climate change, it will be important for citizens groups and individuals to provide the motivation for action.
"I feel you really cannot rely on the leaders, you really cannot rely on the nation states," he said. "You really need a groundswell of grassroots action and grassroots consciousness on what needs to be done. If that is happening, then leaders will follow."
  • Dr. Pachauri called for a "groundswell of grassroots action" on what needs to be done to address the challenge of global warming. He spoke in New York as world… »
He encouraged the representatives of civil society gathered for the breakfast meeting to continue to work to keep the moral and ethical issues front and center in the climate debate.
"You have to persevere and persist," he said. "If you do, you certainly will be able to change the nature of the debate."
He said, especially, that the long term impact of climate change on future generations must be taken into account. "Ethics demands that action has to be taken early," he said.
Dr. Pachauri also said he expects that whatever its outcome, the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December is unlikely to be the final word on the subject.
"When the IPCC's fifth assessment comes out in 2013 or 2014, there will be a major revival of interest in action that has to be taken," said Dr. Pachauri, speaking of the periodic assessments rendered by the group of more than 400 scientists around the world that he leads. "People are going to say, 'My God, we are going to have to take action much faster than we had planned.'"
As chairman of the IPCC, Dr. Pachauri accepted the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded jointly to the IPCC and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore for their work in warning of the potential impact of global warming.
Among the organizations that have signed the appeal are the International Peace Research Association, Oxfam International, Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, Solar Cookers International, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural (WOCAN), and the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO).

Egyptian Baha'is seize opportunity to discuss their nation's future

Egyptian Baha'is seize opportunity to discuss their nation's future

14 April 2011
In a contribution to the sweeping changes now under way in their society, Egyptian Baha'is are calling for a far-reaching consultative process about their country's future.
In an unprecedented open letter, the Baha'is of Egypt say the nation must look beyond expedient solutions and existing models in other societies, and seek instead "a new, truly progressive approach." Read the open letter here.
Making an "enlightened choice" could influence the course of human development in the entire region, and even impact the world, the letter says.
Such an approach would include engaging all concerned people – especially the young – in a national conversation, by which they would become protagonists of their own development. Emphasis is also placed on identifying and applying fundamental guiding principles, and avoiding the temptation of moving too quickly to deals and decisions about the distribution of power.
Since its release earlier this month, the letter has been distributed to prominent figures in Egyptian public life – including religious leaders, politicians, legal practitioners, human rights activists, writers and artists. It has also been circulated to the press and media, and is being widely disseminated via websites and "blogs."
Online publication of the letter is already generating positive responses.
One reader has described it as a "very deep, humanitarian, civil, and progressive statement."
"The letter I've just read is like a very good guidebook for many years to come," another commented.
"Let us take every single step in building up our new Egypt with lots of care, patience, consultation, trust..." wrote yet another.
A process of consultation
In the letter, the Baha'is of Egypt suggest that the challenge before their country is to initiate a process of consultation about the principles that are to inform the reshaping of society.
Egyptians will avoid the risk of falling into the pattern of any existing models – which see no advantage in empowering people – to the extent that all can be enabled to participate in the consultative processes.
"The ongoing and wide-scale involvement of the population in such a consultative process will go a long way towards persuading the citizenry that policy-makers have the creation of a just society at heart. Given the opportunity to participate in such a process, we will be confirmed in our newly awakened consciousness that we have ownership of our own future and come to realize the collective power we already possess to transform ourselves," the letter says.
Essential principles
The letter also suggests that Egyptians carefully consider a series of principles, essential to inform the reshaping of their society.
"Too often, change brought about by popular protest eventually results in disappointment...That is why it is vital that we endeavor to achieve broad consensus on the operating principles that are to shape a new model for our society," write the Baha'is of Egypt.
"This is a painstaking task. To fashion from divergent conceptions a coherent set of principles with the creative power to unify our population will be no small accomplishment."
Such principles include: the equality of men and women; universal education – offering the best means to safeguard the freedom that the people have won; and the fostering of a new spirit that combines respect for scientific enquiry and the values of religion as the best path to material progress.
A "mature society demonstrates one feature above all others: a recognition of the oneness of humanity," the letter states. "How fortunate, then, that the most abiding memory of recent months is not of religious divisions or ethnic conflict, but of differences being put aside in favour of a common cause."
A "national conversation"
Beginning the "national conversation" called for by the letter, online readers have been sharing their comments on websites. Here is a sample of some of the remarks:
"Forging a new path along the lines outlined in this powerful letter...would not only benefit all the people of Egypt but also inspire all countries of the world. We pray that Allah will guide the decision makers to weigh carefully such principles proposed so thoughtfully by the Baha'is."
"The choice we have is to embrace [these principles] and make the transition relatively painless, or resist them and make it infinitely more difficult."
"I am very hopeful that the political leaders and leaders of thought in Egypt would take this mighty prescription into account. They do not have much choice, when it comes to social order, harmony, and respect of the rights of minorities..."
"This amazing statement...is both lofty and practical. Would that all Egyptians were required to read and discuss it at length before making any decisions about the future of their glorious country."
Critical juncture
The open letter is the first opportunity that Egyptian Baha'is – who have faced repression for more than 50 years – have had to communicate directly with their countrymen.
"This chance is one for which we have longed," the Baha'is write, rejoicing that "at such a critical juncture in our nation's history, we are able to make a humble contribution to the conversation which has now begun about its future and to share some perspectives, drawn from our experience and that of Baha'is throughout the world, as to the prerequisites for walking the path towards lasting material and spiritual prosperity."
A presidential decree, issued in 1960 and subsequently enforced by subsequent governments, dissolved Baha'i administrative institutions and banned organized activities. Arrests, investigations, police surveillance, house searches and the destruction of Baha'i literature followed. Moreover, as Baha'is could not legally marry, they had no recourse before the courts regarding family allowances, pensions, inheritance, divorce, alimony and child custody.
In recent years, Egyptian Baha'is suffered discrimination under national laws that required government documents to list an individual's religion – and which also limited that listing to one of three official religions. After a prolonged campaign in which numerous human rights campaigners and people of goodwill supported the Baha'i community, the courts ultimately ruled in their favour, a decision that was widely seen as an important victory for freedom of thought and conscience.
Despite these and other examples of oppression, Egyptian Baha'is maintained their positive outlook and – as a fundamental tenet of their faith – have continued to commit their energy to the betterment of their society.
"I hope that all the efforts combine together for a better Egypt for all of us and not for the interest of one group of people at the expense of others," an online reader of the open letter remarked.

'Abdu'l-Baha's legacy to Egypt recalled, 100 years on

'Abdu'l-Baha's legacy to Egypt recalled, 100 years on

20 April 2011
As the open letter from the Baha'is of Egypt, calling for a national conversation about the future of their country, begins to generate widespread interest, similar discussions among Egyptians 100 years ago have been vividly brought to life in a new book.
In Abbas Effendi – recently released by Al-Kamel publishers in Beirut – University of Maryland Professor Suheil Bushrui explores in particular the contribution made by 'Abdu'l-Baha Abbas Effendi, eldest son of Baha'u'llah. The book is available in a printed edition and also for download from the Baha'i Faith in Egypt blog.
It is the first time that 'Abdu'l-Baha's story has been told for a modern Arabic-speaking readership, largely unaware of His legacy to their society.
During His stay in Alexandria, between September 1910 and August 1911, 'Abdu'l-Baha conversed with Egyptians from all walks of life about the fundamental principles required for the building of a peaceful and prosperous society.
"I thought it was important to present 'Abdu'l-Baha, not necessarily as a religious leader," says Professor Bushrui, "but more as a great mind who was able to convey an understanding of the importance of religion at a time when materialistic civilization was prevailing in Europe and America, and the Muslim world was overcome with political and other ambitions."
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  • The cover of Suheil Bushrui's book, titled "Abbas Effendi", depicting a historic view of Alexandria.
"I have to say – even for me as a lifelong Baha'i – through the writing of this book I have come to be far more aware of the unique personality of 'Abdu'l-Baha and His immense achievement in promoting cultural and religious dialogue between the worlds of the East and the West," says Professor Bushrui.
The book has already garnered high praise from contemporary Arab thinkers, whose appreciation of 'Abdu'l-Baha echoes that of their counterparts a century ago.
Internationally-recognized Middle East expert Edmund Ghareeb has described the book as "a pioneering and highly informative work."
"Abbas Effendi is a superbly careful and informative piece of scholarship," wrote Dr. Ghareeb, "which makes a major contribution to knowledge of the Middle East at a crucial period of its modern history, and adds considerably to our knowledge of this unique reformer..."
In a review, published in the Lebanese daily newspaper As-Safir, author Mahmud Shurayh remarked how 'Abdu'l-Baha "found no embarrassment in teaching the messages of Christ and Muhammad in the Jewish synagogues, the message of Muhammad in Christian churches and the message of religion in atheist assemblies, because He saw in the union of east and west a portal to a new world where justice, unity and peace reign."
The distinguished Lebanese poet Henri Zoghaib commented that 'Abdu'l-Baha was the first to initiate a serious dialogue among religions.
"With this book..." wrote Mr. Zoghaib, "I discovered the nature of the teachings that 'Abdu'l-Baha had disseminated concerning the oneness of east and west, and of His message calling for the oneness of religions."
Prominent admirers
At the age of 66 - and free to travel after a lifetime spent as a prisoner and exile - 'Abdu'l-Baha arrived in Egypt for one month's rest, but stayed for an entire year because of concerns for His health. See news.bahai.org/story/792
Yet He believed He had a particular mission to accomplish in Egypt, notes Professor Bushrui.
"Firstly, to revive the truth and purity of religious faith – whether Muslim or Christian – and, secondly, to bring East and West together."
Numerous prominent Egyptians, including the last Khedive of Egypt and Sudan – Abbas Hilmi Pasha – exhibited particular reverence towards the Head of the Baha'i Faith.
"The jurist and scholar Muhammad Abduh also admired 'Abdu'l-Baha greatly and wrote Him a letter," recounts Professor Bushrui. "When you read it, you can see it's from someone who recognized that 'Abdu'l-Baha had a special divine light in his heart and mind."
May Rihani – niece of Ameen Rihani, the founding father of Arab-American literature and another of 'Abdu'l-Baha's admirers – has acclaimed the book, Abbas Effendi, as a "gift to humanity."
"We need 'Abdu'l-Baha's voice more than ever before in these present turbulent times of religious fanaticism, misunderstandings among the cultures of the world, and an easy readiness for confrontation," says Ms. Rihani, who is the Senior Vice President and Director of the Global Learning Group at the Academy for Educational Development, based in Washington D.C.
A century later, echoes of 'Abdu'l-Baha's voice can be heard throughout the open letter from today's Egyptian Baha'is to their fellow citizens.
The letter states that acceptance of the principle of the oneness of humanity "calls for a profound re-examination of each or our own attitudes, values and relationships with others – ultimately, for a transformation in the human heart."

Centenary of 'Abdu'l-Baha's journeys marked in North America

Centenary of 'Abdu'l-Baha's journeys marked in North America

26 June 2012
Thousands of Baha'is and their friends across the United States have been observing the centenary of 'Abdu'l-Baha's eight-month sojourn in their country.
Following the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, 'Abdu'l-Baha – the eldest son of Baha'u'llah and His appointed successor as head of the Baha'i Faith – was freed after more than half a century of exile and imprisonment. Immediately, He began to plan how to present, in person, the Baha'i teachings to the world beyond the Middle East.
From 11 April to 5 December 1912, 'Abdu'l-Baha traversed the north American continent, continuing an extraordinary journey that had already taken him to Egypt, England, France, and Switzerland.
Baha'is throughout the United States are commemorating this journey by reflecting upon the life of 'Abdu'l-Baha and discussing how His example can inspire their services to the community today. In addition, a number of larger-scale commemorative activities have been initiated by the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly – in Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C. and at the Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette.
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  • Illinois Congressman Robert Dold addressed the audience at the Chicago Theatre on 28 April 2012, acknowledging Baha'i efforts to build a more unified society.
On 29 April, the House of Worship hosted three special services, designed to provide a unique opportunity for people to remember 'Abdu'l-Baha 100 years after He broke the ground and laid the cornerstone upon which the House of Worship was built.
Among the speakers at an event held at the historic Chicago Theatre that same weekend was U.S. Congressman, Representative Robert Dold, who grew up close to the House of Worship. He called the building a "beacon," describing its "beautiful grounds, its gorgeous structure" and its significance as "a peaceful place of worship, a place that is open to one and all."
Mr. Dold explained how, during 'Abdu'l-Baha's travels, He "met with people of diverse backgrounds in both private and public settings, often giving talks to hundreds of people. And everywhere He went, He spoke about the oneness of humanity..."
"Baha'is in this area have been working with people of all faiths and backgrounds to promote cooperation and unity and have been striving to build a better world," said Mr. Dold. "I'm so very proud to represent the Baha'is of the 10th Congressional District and also to have the House of Worship in Wilmette be part of our community."
A demonstration of race unity
Among the themes addressed 100 years ago by 'Abdu'l-Baha in the United States was racial harmony. This was illustrated at the Chicago commemoration by the "Unity in Music" children's theater company from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who presented a dramatic recreation of 'Abdu'l-Baha's visit to the Bowery neighborhood in Manhattan where He paid particular attention to an African-American boy.
The experience, said the company's director Kathy Wurzer, was very meaningful for the children who performed – the majority of whom are not Baha'is.
Seeing them react to stories of what 'Abdu'l-Baha did to bring the races together was "quite touching," she said. "We have children from a wide variety of backgrounds who are participating. When they saw the amount of people that came to something like this, they began to realize the significance of 'Abdu'l-Baha's visit to the U.S."
'Abdu'l-Baha's call for America's separate races to come together as one family was also explored in Washington D.C on 12 May. During a performance of one of her poems titled, "The Difference," award-winning teacher Dona Denize declared: "There is but one color, and that is the color of servitude."
Throughout 'Abdu'l-Baha's travels – said Valerie Dana, a member of the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly – He "talked about spiritual transformation, being of service to humanity, seeing the face of God in all, and understanding that the work we do in service to humanity brings us closer to God."
"So a fitting remembrance," she said, "would be undertaking a pattern of action that reflects the purpose for which He came."
A further centenary event is scheduled for San Francisco on 9 September.

Remembering some of the martyrs of the Bahá'í Faith.

"One Common Faith"

"One Common Faith"

If Bahá’ís are to fulfil Bahá’u’lláh’s mandate, however, it is obviously vital that they come to appreciate that the parallel efforts of promoting the betterment of society and of teaching the Bahá’í Faith are not activities competing for attention. Rather, are they reciprocal features of one coherent global programme. Differences of approach are determined chiefly by the differing needs and differing stages of inquiry that the friends encounter. Because free will is an inherent endowment of the soul, each person who is drawn to explore Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings will need to find his own place in the never-ending continuum of spiritual search. He will need to determine, in the privacy of his own conscience and without pressure, the spiritual responsibility this discovery entails. In order to exercise this autonomy intelligently, however, he must gain both a perspective on the processes of change in which he, like the rest of the earth’s population, is caught up and a clear understanding of the implications for his own life. The obligation of the Bahá’í community is to do everything in its power to assist all stages of humanity’s universal movement towards reunion with God. The Divine Plan bequeathed it by the Master is the means by which this work is carried out.

 Bahá'í International Community, "One Common Faith"

Oh, wow! Baha'u'llah!!! Love him!

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" عاشق را لذتی اعظم از مکالمه با معشوق نیست و طالب را نعمتی بهتر از مؤانست با مطلوب نه. این است که هر نفس منجذب به ملکوت الهی آرزویش که وقتی فراغت یابد و به محبوب خویش تضرع و زاری کند، طلب الطاف و عنایت نماید و مستغرق در بحر خطاب و تضرع و زاری گردد.


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